Friday, July 15, 2005

sick and tired

I’m sick and tired
Of people saying one thing but feeling another
Of people stabbing in the back while they smile like a brother
I’m tired of the same old lies and sarcastic jokes
Sick of the unwritten rules to fit in this world

I’m fed up with the usual process you think our lives should follow
I’m bored to death of you wanting me to listen when your words are hollow
I’m sick and tired of everything that has to do with politics and religion
Everyone trying to prove right with their foolish opinion

I’m sick and tired
Of TV, Radio and people on the scene telling me how to live
Of people dedicating their lives trying to brainwash me
It just makes me sick when you smile at the store
As if it will make me want to buy some more

I’m sick and tired of ceasing to believe this ain’t a dream
When reality seems to hit us like a laser beam
And everything we’ve pushed for forward progress
Ends up shooting us down making a mess

I’m under par with all the make up silly fake up
Trying to make me see beauty where there’s none
I wish for all this nothingness be gone
It’s getting hard for one to just hold on

The time is here where every light has ceased to shine
It’s getting hard to see illumination in this dark
But then again it may not matter if everybody’s blind
I just wish there’d be some truth we all could find



  • Anteayer estaba en un restaurante y pusieron al pinche cancion de this shit is bananas.

    Pase mas de 1 hora tratando de explicarle a dos personas sentadas conmigo que eso era una mamada y que no valia cabeza.
    Este par de personas seguian tercas diciendo que debo de ser mas tolerante y que si a la gente le gusta, significa que es bueno.

    Me cagaron la madre y mas que cago que hay gente en este mundo que no entiende que ELLOS estan mal y YO estoy bien. Que no entienden que por mas que quieran ser tolerantes y open mind, hay limites... y el limite hace mucho que fue sobrepasado si hay alguien en el mundo que cree que This Shit is Bananas es Arte.


    By Blogger The Mexican Loco, at 12:09 PM  

  • asi es, te encontraras con una resistencia a la realidad impresionante. La gente se rehusa a saber la verdad. Se dejan llevar por lo comercial, por el consumismo y la relatividad del pensamiento. el relativismo es el cancer de nuestra sociedad, la pendejez es el opio de las masas.

    By Blogger double d, at 7:15 PM  

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